Amazing Language

A New Year, A New Start

2013 is here and is already beginning to get itself into full swing.

So before 2013 runs away with us, I would just like to wish everyone a prosperous, wonderful new year which is full of exciting opportunities and new challenges. I would also like to thank everyone for their support throughout last year!

The start of the new year is a time to reflect on the year that has passed and to see how we can make the new year better. It feels like a rebirth of time, a clean slate on which to begin and so, we should try to make the most of it! 8-)

Good luck with the year ahead and may you all find what you it is that you may be looking for in your life =)

Ps. May 2013 be a wonderful, interesting, language-filled year!


Plagiarism – What it is and how to avoid it

In the academic editing I have done this year, I have come across quite a bit of plagiarism. This is strange and surprising to me as I have always been almost hyper aware of the serious consequences associated with plagiarism. I guess, though, that I shouldn't be too surprised because not all people have had the exposure to methods on how to avoid plagiarism as I have, or they just didn't care.
I have heard every excuse and every strange request possible when it comes to plagiarism and why it appears in people's documents:

  • I didn't know, really.
  • Can't you just edit it out for me?
  • I gave a reference at the end of the paragraph, isn't that enough?
  • Do I really have to put all that info into my own words?
  • Please check my work for anything that appears to be plagiarism and correct it.
  • How do I know if I have plagiarised?
  • Do I really have to reference EVERYTHING I use from a source?



'To follow' and 'to share'

We all know the meanings of words change over time – sometimes even drastically. But do we realise just how much language can evolve? Take for example, the two infinitives 'to follow' and 'to share'.
