Amazing Language
The Serial Comma
What IS the serial comma? Could it be a comma that stalks you in night, taunting and teasing you because you don't know how to use it?
The serial killer, erm, I mean COMMA is a comma that is used at the end of a list before the final item in the list.
For example: I like coffee, tea, and juice.
Simple, right? Of course!
Death of RSS feeds?
For those of you who aren't aware, Google Reader will be discontinued on 1 July 2013.
But what does that mean for us?
English is Everywhere
As I look out of my window, I realise – English is not for the faint-hearted.
We all use the language every single day. Although, I must admit I know quite a few people who want to avoid it at all costs. Nevertheless, we do use English in everything we do.