Amazing Language

Discovery Engine – StumbleUpon

A fantastic way of discovering what’s out there on the big ol’ www…

StumbleUpon is something I have just recently discovered. Perhaps many of you have already used it, but for those of you who haven’t, I recommend giving it a try!
Joining the StumbleUpon service is free and all you have to do is set up a profile by providing minimal information. It’s quite easy!

Even using the service is really simple. StumbleUpon covers a huge variety of topics, from photography to animals, family, humour, travel and so much more. The list is endless. This discovery search engine recommends content from the web by using a list of interests provided by the user. And all you have to do is type in your interest and click on “Stumble” to start discovering.



Lorem Ipsum Text and Letraset®

Lorem Ipsum text is what can be called 'filler text' and is used in publishing to help with testing layout. It has been around since the 1500s and is still used to this day! It became quite popular, according to with the use of Letraset®.

Can you believe that this type of text has its origin in a piece of classical Latin literature produced in 45 BC? Amazing! ^_^

Lorem Ipsum text is used mainly to ensure that the reader is not distracted by the content that can be read while trying to concentrate on a page's layout. It is used today in many publishing programs and web page editors as default text. Lorem Ipsum text is popular due to it's distribution of letters being more 'normal' and thus makes text look like readable English.

For more information on Lorem Ipsum text, visit



English Language Pangrams

“This is a simple blog,” said the lazy dog.

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is an English language pangram.

You might be sitting there, reading this and asking yourself: “What exactly is a pangram?” Well, look no further – the answer is at hand!
